Facebook and Us !

This is not a piece of advice, a piece of cloth nor is it a peace of mind, just a “showpiece”. I have been using Facebook sporadically for the last year and a half. People join Facebook for many reasons; people who were curious (curiosity killed the cat and, possibly, the rat, too); people who were urged to do so by others and those who wanted to find old or new friends, in which case, they wish they never did, in the first place. People, nowadays, use Facebook for different causes and purposes. There are people, a vast majority, who are just there for sheer fun, trivia and banter, or, sell you things. Many are there to release “daily life pressure”, share their hard-luck stories with other poor souls in the hope to receive sympathy, empathy, and god knows what. Others are just there for mischief; be it the trolls, the killjoys or the parasitic scum publishing unspeakable wickedness. The last tier, perhaps, are those who want to be of use to others through education of all kind and everything deemed beneficial for humanity. I joined because of my brother’s advice (you know family stuff and all that jazz).No sooner than later, few things started to draw my attention, mainly in the educational tier. I have been studying Hadeeth for a while, and every time I see one, I feel obligated to read. And I have read many a hadeeth that even the most gullible of dimwits would find those Ahadeeth dodgy and unreliable. I usually “ butt-in” and drop a line or two with decorum intact. Some people do not bother scrutinising a hadeeth. If it appealed to them (or their liking), they would not hesitate to embrace it and invite scores of people to celebrate their latest discovery (dinner and knees-up are out of the question). People need to tread carefully in dealing with Hadeeth for the seriousness and sanctity it carries. Other things I like are Arabic and English. I fancy my friends on Facebook to understand I mean well when I suggest corrections and literary alternatives (I do not fancy myself anymore. I stopped being a narcissist ages ago). I bet the jury is out now wondering in what tier I should be. I haven’t the foggiest idea, except for the affinity I have with my fellow Algerians and how “luckily” I relate to them in most things! Has anything changed since then ? Well, no . As a matter of fact, things are looking up now that I have acquired a certain social-networking expertise( it helps dodge Facebook pitfalls ) I also have a likely mission to complete. Facebook has helped me keep in touch with my family all over the world from Algeria to France to the US to Hong Kong and China.I have also succeeded in gaining interesting new acquaintances , albeit virtual. It makes my day when I am able to help with queries ; to explain stuff ; and make someone happy. But I do not live in Facebook nor should any of us.