English Detectives is a learning speace for learners of English.Learning with us is free,what matters is how much efforts you would pay for taking your level to new heights.The team always welcome you to the website !
Clearly definining our audience makes all the difference when we’re creating content. If we’re writing a piece about phonetics, how do you frame it correctly? The answer, of course, all depends on who we’re writing for.This educational website targets all those who have fervour for knowledge-about English.
knowledge is certainly our main one ! To constantly want to fill ourselves with the light of knowledge and to drive the darkness of our ignorance away should be our one and only aim. But we should be aware that there can never be a time and point where any light can completely fill the darkness because each and every beam of light will always bring a new set of shadows with it. So it follows that your quest for knowledge should be eternal and not time-bound.
Our Team
Success is driven by teamwork, not just by individuals because it takes a combined effort to meet daily targets.Our team comprises of students and teachers of English whose aspirations are met to enlighten and inspire by delivering knowledge.