Bilingualism and Code-Switching
Bilingualism is the ability to use two languages effectively. Monolingualism refers to the ability to use a single language. The ability...
Crutch Words
Words that are used to fill in time when speaking, such as ‘like’ or ‘basically’, are called crutch words (and should best be avoided!)
The word ‘Goodbye’ originally comes from an Old English phrase meaning ‘god be with you’.
Sibling Aggression
Sibling relationship is,to some extent,difficult and never more so than in childhood,where siblings are routinely pick on one...
Butterfly /Flutterby
The original name for butterfly was flutterby !
The Politics of Accents
While I could write plenty about nonsense like Asian actors being asked to do “the accent” in their audition for “Prostitute #3″ and...
Great Land of the Tattooed
Etymologically, Great Britain means ‘great land of the tattooed’.
Words and Meanings
Many English words have changed their meaning over time - for example, ‘awful’ used to means ‘inspiring wonder’ and was a short version...
A successful Leader is the one who has got all the tools, qualities and skills in order to motivate and direct others to attain their...