Crutch Words
Words that are used to fill in time when speaking, such as ‘like’ or ‘basically’, are called crutch words (and should best be avoided!)
The word ‘Goodbye’ originally comes from an Old English phrase meaning ‘god be with you’.
Butterfly /Flutterby
The original name for butterfly was flutterby !
Great Land of the Tattooed
Etymologically, Great Britain means ‘great land of the tattooed’.
Words and Meanings
Many English words have changed their meaning over time - for example, ‘awful’ used to means ‘inspiring wonder’ and was a short version...
British Accent
What is known as British accent came to use in and around London around the time of the American Revolution.
English !
It is the only major language that doesn’t have any organization guiding it - as opposed to the French Académie française, the Spanish...
Go !
“Go!” is the shortest grammatically correct sentence in English.
A Happy Language and Happy !
The English language is said to be one of the happiest languages in the world - oh, and the word ‘happy’ is used 3 times more often than...
There are 10 words hidden inside the word “therein” — you don’t even need to rearrange it to find them! They are: the, there, he, in,...