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Ghoues Amine
15 juin 20161 min de lecture
Fact #11
The earliest record of the phrase “do-it-yourself” comes from a 1910 magazine article about students at Boston University being left to...
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Ghoues Amine
7 juin 20161 min de lecture
Fact #10
A puckfist is someone who braggingly dominates a conversation.
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Ghoues Amine
5 juin 20161 min de lecture
Fact #9
The bowl formed by cupping your hands together is called a gowpen.
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Ghoues Amine
4 juin 20161 min de lecture
Fact #8
11% of the entire English language is just the letter E.
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Ghoues Amine
3 juin 20161 min de lecture
Fact #7
The word “selfie” was the Oxford Dictionary’s Word of the Year in 2013 because the use of the term increased 17,000% from 2012 to 2013....
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Ghoues Amine
2 juin 20161 min de lecture
Fact #6
The word “eyeball” was invented by Shakespeare, along with hobnob, skim milk, and luggage.
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Ghoues Amine
26 mai 20161 min de lecture
Fact #5
The words “bookkeeper” and “bookkeeping” are the only words in the English language that has three consecutive double letters without...
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Ghoues Amine
23 mai 20161 min de lecture
Fact #4
A percontation is a question that requires more than a straightforward “yes” or “no” answer.
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Ghoues Amine
15 mai 20161 min de lecture
Fact #3
The expressions “bully pulpit” and “lunatic fringe” were coined by Theodore Roosevelt.
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Ghoues Amine
15 mai 20161 min de lecture
Fact #2
An autological word is one that describes itself — like short or unhyphenated.
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Ghoues Amine
15 mai 20161 min de lecture
Fact #1
A repdigit is a number comprised of a series of repeated numbers, like 9,999.
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